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Welcome to Haskell's "The Pour" blog. Subscribe to keep up with the latest news, stories, and recipes.

A 12-pack of Blogs and Websites that Deliver Beer News Daily

Are you a Cicerone or a Cerevisaphile? If you are a server of beer or a lover and aficionado, you...

Five Decadent Red Wine Dessert Recipes (and a White Wine Bonus)

We love wine with dessert, but we also love desserts with wine. Sweets inspired by the famous W.C....

Steel Toe Brewery: Made in Minnesota

In St. Louis Park, Minnesota is a small brewery kicking out some big flavor. The family-owned Steel...

Top Five Reasons You Should Buy Wine Online

Did you know you could buy wine from Haskell’s and get it delivered directly to your door with...

MN Beer Events in 2016 to Keep on Your Radar

Enjoying a beer has long been a social event. We gather at bars, get together with buddies, and...

Five Fun Facts About Wine for True Wine Lovers

Wine – humans have been making it, drinking it, and loving it for thousands of years. And with all...

The Pour: Our Top Blogs from 2015

As another year comes to a close, it's always fun to revisit the highs of the past year. We've...

How Much Beer Should I Buy for a Party? – The Super Bowl Edition

Part of the fun of football is watching with friends. Are you getting ready to host a Sunday...

Made in Minnesota: Lake Superior Brewing Company

What happens when an out-of-work beer-loving scientist starts experimenting? You do what Bob...

Wine Spotlight: The Best Rosé Wine for Your Holiday Celebrations

While the jury is still out about whether we’ll have a white Christmas, we certainly can ensure...