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8 min read

What Wine Legs Say About Your Wine [VIDEO]

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Have you ever heard someone talk about “legs” in wine? What are they and what do they say about what’s in your glass? Haskell's Chairman and CEO Jack Farrell is here with those answers and more in the edition of Quick Pours. 

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What Are Legs?

Legs are the relatively clear liquid lines you see running down the side of your wine glass after you've swirled it around. Though the dripping lines are known as "wine legs," the liquid itself is called glycol. 

What Do Wine Legs Say About Your Wine?

Often times people think the amount of "wine legs" or glycol on the side of their glass has to do with the quality of the wine, but that is not the case. It actually has to do with how much alcohol is in that particular wine. So when someone says, "wow, that wine really has a lot of legs," it could mean it's a big, strong, powerful wine, but it could still be cheap. It's not uncommon to come across an inexpensive wine that has better legs than some of the most expensive wines on the shelf.  

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