Haskell's Blog

Six Do's and Don'ts of Buying Wine On Sale — Save Money and Headaches

Written by Beau Farrell | August 06, 2024

It's that time of year when the end of summer brings on many fall sales—and wine is no exception. But not all wine sales are created equally. So, how do you sort the great deals from the clunkers when you're buying wine on sale? 


At Haskell's, we pride ourselves on the finest selection of wines in the Twin Cities metro. In fact, since 1934, Haskell’s has been Minnesota’s top destination for wine and our wine sales are legendary. So, we have a few tips that should be top of mind when you go seeking out wine bargains. They are pretty simple and will save you from pouring your hard-earned cash down the drain.

Three Do's of Buying Wine on Sale

  1. Talk with an expert. Tell the friendly wine experts what you enjoy in your glass. Wine merchants at Haskell's try more wine than most and can lead you in the right direction.
  2. Watch out for old white wine. A rule of thumb for white and inexpensive wines tends to be DYA—Drink Youngest Available.
  3. Buy by the case. Your purchasing dollars go farther when you buy in quantity, which then helps you choose better quality.

Three Don'ts of Buying Wine on Sale

  1. Don't buy it solely because it is cheap. You know that saying, you get what you pay for? In this case, it's often true. 
  2. Don't just pour it out if the wine is corked or sour. Put the cork back in and return it. At Haskell's, we know how to handle this situation (which doesn't happen often). We happily offer a new bottle, a refund, or store credit on something else.
  3. Don't be afraid of a screw cap. More wine producers are using metal screw caps compared to the traditional cork. Not sure about a wine with a screw cap? Just ask.

Pro Tips for Buying Wine on Sale

Pick up the phone. Yes, you can actually pick up the phone and make a call. You can ask questions like, what is the condition of the bottle? Or is there an additional discount if I buy a case or the remaining amount in inventory? Plus, in this digital age, it is pretty nice to speak to someone who knows what they are talking about. They might even be able to lead you to a new product or let you know about something available in-store only.

Go to wine tastings and take notes. The more you know, the more you'll save. We host regular wine tasting events at our various stores, so come on down and discover your new favorite wine. We look forward to meeting you.